“No!” to “Yes!” People

Starting a business is not easy and there are some characteristics we all need to work on as the owners.

When you start a new venture, leave your ego at the door

– for business owners who hire, fire and rule with egos is a recipe for disaster.

I know there are many articles out there which say that a large percentage of successful CEOs in the world share psychopathic tendencies (without the murdering part) and that is what makes them successful. That lack of empathy, a certain level of arrogance, etc. The statistics also show that in most cases those CEOs were hired for the position because of their characteristics, but they were not the one who created the position or the company they work for.

When you are embarking on a new venture, you are creating a culture, you are creating a brand for which you want to be recognised.

If you have the tendency to rule with ego and you’re keen to “work on it”, one of my best recommendations is:


“Yes” people will constantly agree with you and stroke your ego. But they won’t challenge you. They won’t tell you when you are making a mistake and, the saddest part is, they won’t be inspired by you. They are there purely for the money (assuming you pay well, because if you don’t they won’t stick around for the long haul).

“Yes” people have tunnel vision and won’t provide you with a new set of eyes, therefore your ideas will never be challenged and new ideas will never surface. They don’t want to challenge the boss’ ego.

As an employer, accommodate the argumentative, listen to radical ideas and go with their challenges. Such leadership helps foster a company culture that listens, innovates and accommodates the inner genius of each of your team members.

It starts in the interview process: don’t look for the one who thinks exactly like you, the one who most thoroughly read your website and recites the answers. Challenge them with issues that concern you, issues you know need improvement. Ask the tough questions and don’t go for the candidate with the prettiest answers, but the one who left YOU thinking!


Before you know it, you will have created a TEAM; a team of people who go home at night and still think about your business as if it was their own. Isn’t that worth leaving your ego at the door? If you want help to employ the right people or to get honest business advice from a consultant, contact us today.

About The Author <p class="admin-name">Oshi Kirk</p>

About The Author

Oshi Kirk

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s.

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